
Product Packaging Design Companies Kolkata

We often say that a book should not be judged by its cover, but on certain cases you do judge things by its outer cover. When someone enters a departmental store, you know what to buy but she/he doesn’t know which brand to choose. In such situations, lying on dormant shelves, if the product grabs eyeballs and lures her/him to take favourable action, then that particular product wins the race on the merit of innovative packaging design. How is that? When a packaging design agency like us works on a new packaging design, we focus on three main aspects:

  • Product Character
  • TG Psyche
  • Brand Relation

Based on the research upon three broad aspects and our creative expertise, we develop product packaging design – it could be a Rupee 5 biscuit pack, an elegant

Product Packaging Design Companies Kolkata
Product Packaging Design Companies Kolkata
Product Packaging Design Companies Kolkata
Product Packaging Design Companies Kolkata
Product Packaging Design Companies Kolkata
Product Packaging Design Companies Kolkata

The avenues we work in and that work for us:

Blueantz Advertising Private Limited
Trinayani Plaza,
36A/1 Purbachal Kalitala Road, Ground Floor and 2 nd Floor, Kolkata - 700099

+91 33 40634106
