Conversion Rate Optimization

Sole purpose of any business module is to increase sales. Here Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) plays a key pole. Being an experienced web marketing agency in Kolkata, we run a series of digital marketing experiments:

  • 1. Observe the visitors’ behaviour
  • 2. Analyze the problem areas and potential areas of development
  • 3. Make necessary changes and keep the process running

We devise tailor-made content marketing strategy depending on the brand and the genre of business that reflects through the maximized SEO and CRO results, and thereby increasing your ROI.

Our Clients

  • adhunik industries limited
  • mendine pharmaceuticals
  • mescab
  • nis
  • suraksha

Blueantz Advertising Private Limited
Trinayani Plaza,
36A/1 Purbachal Kalitala Road, Ground Floor and 2 nd Floor, Kolkata - 700099

+91 33 40634106
