How Product Packaging Design Impacts Brand Presence

How Product Packaging Design Impacts Brand Presence

The presentation of your product is the first thing that catches the eye of your customer. Not only does good packaging protect your product, but it also allows you to be creative, experiment with your creative design and enhance your brand presence.

Large group of multicolored plastic bottles against white background

A good packaging strategy can impact your brand presence in the following ways:

It creates brand recognition

Your product packaging makes your brand more recognizable to your audience, making you stand out among competitors. Especially if you are a national or a global brand, being consistent with your packaging style is the first key. This will help your customers get acquainted with your brand and also recognise your products across different varieties as well as geographical locations.

You can be innovative

You can experiment with different things, such as packaging your product in a way where the packaging itself can be of secondary use to the customer. Selling milkshakes in reusable glass bottles is one such way, selling chocolates in pretty jute bags is another. You can try different packaging styles and also sell limited-edition versions of your product to test out its reception.

 Packaging can be used to say something unique about your brand

If you use environment-friendly packaging (such as no plastic), you are making a statement about your brand. Unique packaging that also lends a vibe of sustainability to your brand, add to the brand presence, be meaningful and help bring in more customers. This will also help differentiate you from other similar brands in the market.

People start to feel an affinity towards your brand

There are many brands that appeal to emotions to create an affinity for their product. Studies have shown that people prefer certain brand names and packaging styles to others. Having a distinctive and aesthetically appealing logo is a good step in this direction.

 Customised packaging can help personalize your product

You can give your customers the option to customize their product packaging, in terms of style, colour, or labelling. They will start to feel more attached to your brand that way and start to prefer it over other options.

You can use your packaging to appeal to all senses

There are brands that use their packaging to appeal to all the senses, not just visual. Singapore Airlines famously used the power of scent for their brand marketing. They introduced a distinctive smell that their crew used in the planes and hot towels and people started to associate that smell with their brand. A catchy phrase or theme song can work in similar ways. You can also appeal to sensory touch in your packaging, or have novel visual elements like colours that change in light or glow in the dark.

Gives your brand a personality

If you think of your brand as a person instead of an entity, you can market it more effectively. It will also reflect with your audience – they will feel an association with it and be able to recognise and associate themselves with your product the moment they see it.

Makes your brand memorable

An innovative branding style that stands out will be etched in the memory of your customer and instill brand loyalty, apart from helping your brand stand out.

Creative and good quality packaging is essential for your marketing strategy in this day and age when there is a proliferation of brands and choices in the market. While the product is indeed of utmost importance, do not underestimate the power of packaging. So don’t shy away from investing in your packaging and remember the quality and creativity of packaging matter to your target audience.

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