Storytelling of a Layout
Once upon a time, there was a brand – lying dormant on the shelves, cursed by the competitive products. It was forecasted by the strengths of the universe that only one of the best Creative Agencies in Kolkata can put it back in life. They met – the brand and the Creative Agency, held each other’s hand. The brand then came back to life and walked together many a mile.
Sounds good when you read the above story? Well… We admit it is. But the success of the story depends on how far the story is reflected in the final draft – the layout and connects to the target audience the brand intends to cater. It sounds and it is quite a challenging opportunity for the expert associated with the Creative Ad Agencies in Kolkata.
Let’s see how they work it out…
There are two aspects of the storyline – Copy & Art. It is the job of a copywriter to tell the tale in such a way that it personally involves everyone who reads it. Maybe in a word or two or a long narrative piece – the purpose is to make people remember the story and of course the brand/product for quite a long time.
There is this other aspect that is equally important – visual art. Think about your reaction when you turn over the newspaper in the morning and suddenly come across an advertisement, or you’re browsing through your Facebook timeline and pops up a web banner… how compelling it has to be to hold on to your attention and interest. A lot of elements are needed to put together and make the layout aesthetically stand out – excellent photograph, suitable typeface, and appropriate use of colours, graphics and logical layout balance. The rational aesthetic aspects are important for it is one of the most intriguing parts of the understanding the audience will have through the creative communication. Everything puts together, gives one the entire experience that will influence their comprehension of the storyline and makes the layout form a successful story.
Because we think we have a proper understanding of the topic, we would like to share it with you:
- Know the fundamental purpose of the communication that you are about to put forward as a communicative story. Start the plot of the story flow from that point.
- Have a clear perception of the target audience of your communication and device your creative on how they would respond to your creative.
- You may have a few levels of communication through the story. Think what would be the take away in the first 30 seconds, then go deeper… try and figure out what they would want to get or how would you like to proceed with your story if they linger for more than the average time and what would be the final call-to-action for those who reach the end.
- Keep the communication medium in mind while you ideate and make your design choices. E.g. your OOH has to have very precise communication and clutter-free striking visuals to grab the attention while people are on the roadway run. Whereas if you are putting a video advertisement through one of the Web Advertising Agencies of Kolkata, you will have enough time and space to hook your audience through a compelling storyline.
You can consider these few tried & tested rules of crafting a good storytelling layout and it could guide you through the success of a persuasive layout and your audience’s way to remember your story and react to the intended call-to-action.