Intricate Bengali emotion attached to ‘Phulko Luchi’ on your plate, especially for the Sunday breakfast is unexplainable. But… the moment you serve tomato ketchup along with it, instead of delicacies like Alur Dum, Cholar Dal or Begun Bhaja, the beauty of the delicious dish is gone! It is just not acceptable to the people who swear by the delicate emotions attached to Bangaliana.
If you’re thinking that having entitled the blog as ‘Rise of Regional Language’, why did we start it like a food blog, then let us explain…
The above mentioned ‘luchi episode’ has been used as an analogy to put emphasis on the problem regarding linguistic gap. People from each region have their own characteristic specialties, in each case, the sentiments and the audience psychographs work differently. You can never apply a generalised English speaking approach and be successful in communicating with regional people. Especially when you are dealing with a mass where only 76% of the audience is literate and only 5-10% of them communicate in English. This rationalizes the rapid growth of regional advertising media and content consumption in local languages. Use of the correct language at the localized stage becomes a personalized experience for the target audience.
Here are a few statistic figures to back the statement relating to the rise of regional content:
- Indian advertisement expenditure increased by 10.5% to reach Rs 62,400 crore people in 2018
- Readership of Indian newspapers and magazines has grown by 110 million since 2015, of which rural (52%) reader base is larger than urban (48%).
- Regional movies are also part of the rise, in term of releases in 2017. Screen calculation amplified from 9,481 in 2016 to 9,530 in 2017.
- 93% of the time spent on consuming online videos content is in Hindi and other regional languages.
Each regional language has a soul of its own and needs to be treated with utmost care and consciousness to deliver the message in absolute accuracy – that will make the audience understand precisely what you or your brand wants to communicate. Below are a few examples to show you how wrong it can go if you don’t treat the language well, Bengali to be precise.
After proving our agenda from multiple aspects, let us get straight to where we want to point… The most perfect way to get to the heart of the most emotional Indian species – Bengalis, you must follow the regional Bengali language. Sweet essence and intricate emotions attached to the language are bound to touch the correct chord of their hearts.
When we work on a creative communication, our sole purpose remains to devise innovative ways to communicate the same message over and again yet make it memorable each time and make the audience take favourable action. The only way to get to the heart and mind of the Bengalis is to transform your creative advertisement into a lucid, straightforward and impactful mode of communication in the Bengali language. There are ample examples where a simple Bengali communication line has won over the entire communication and made the campaign and the product/brand the greatest hit of the time.
Staying in Bengal, dealing with Bengalis every day, we at BlueAntz Advertising Pvt. Ltd., can proudly say that we expertise in regional language advertisement, especially Bengali. We have our own mechanism that works in favour of regional sentiment yet prove to be effective in its own creative merit. We lay the foundation of our work based on research and data analysis, put special emphasis on evaluating the TG psychograph and infuse the required amount of regional flavour accordingly. With the additional power of socializing with other clans of our extended community, we are open to collaborate with other national/international agencies and help your brand reach even to the remotest corners of Bengal.