Honored to be Featured in the Silicon India Magazine.

Honored to be Featured in the Silicon India Magazine.

Yes! BlueAntz Advertising deserves to boast about the latest feather to its cap. Years of experience, expertise, and hard work has earned us the honor to be among the 10 promising creative advertising agencies in India, according to the latest issue of the Silicon India magazine.

We are not sure if any of the energy drinks have been the secret of our energy. But as our founder member and Managing Director, Mr. Monoj Nath says, knowledge, experience, and solid teamwork have been the key pillars of our success, however success or acknowledgment we have earned so far. So, let’s slice those pillars and see if we can crack the secret open…

Knowledge. None of us is Krishna Bhagawan, so we are not born with all the knowledge of the world. With time and exposure to the near world, we have acquired the knowledge. What knowledge?! If you ask… it could be anything rocket science thesis to the minute observation of a street hawker. Having the privilege of working in the advertising agency in Kolkata along with digital marketing wing, it has exposed us to a whole big world of brands, products, audience, and their mindsets. It taught us how to look at things, what to think, how to think and a whole lot. But of course, we are not always thinking, we read, we watch and we roam around quite a lot… Google Earth helps a lot when our leave applications are not sanctioned.

Experience. While acquiring all the above-mentioned knowledge, the experience came hand in hand. We believe age is not always synonymous to experience, but exposure is. The more you are exposed to the awe-inspiring things of this world, the more you gain experience that you can count on your entire life. But yes, the maturity comes with time, when you have had your share of fighting all odds like a brave knight and have an interesting and aspiring story to tell to your juniors. That’s how BlueAntz Advertising is.

Teamwork. With the above two heavy things, we need something to keep our hearts light and be able to take flights of imagination. And for that, we have us – team BlueAntz. As per our rulebook, if a person is not crazy enough, he or she cannot crack those wild ideas and win people’s hearts. Being a creative agency, we all have our unique wildness, but we all put it together and stand by each other’s side and fight crazy creative battles every day.

The acknowledgments make us happy indeed. But it also gives us the responsibility to do better in ourselves and become a greater workforce in the field of advertising. Thank you all for being there, believing in us and help us become whoever we are today.

Blueantz Advertising Private Limited
Trinayani Plaza
36A/1 Purbachal Kalitala Road, Ground Floor and 2nd Floor, Kolkata - 700099

+91 33 40634106
